Cobalto Calcite
Pink cobalto calcite, also referred to as Pink Dolomite or Pink Drusy(natural surface coating of fine crystals that sparkle).
It is increasingly scarce as a result of social strife within Congo’s border, and is no longer actively mined. It is known for its cleavage and softness, and its hot pink color makes for a spectacular jewel.
Hardness-: 3-4 on the Mohs scale.
Durability-: Tough.
Cleaning-: Ultrasonic and steam cleaning.
Color-: lovely light pink to dark magenta.
Occurrence-: Kakanda Mine, in the katanga copper crescent, Shaba province, Zaire, Africa.
Metaphysical Properties-:
- It symbolises love and caring is good for a broken heart and self-discovery.
- Encourages the healing of tissue and bones.
- Helps us to trust ourselves and promote a sense of stability.
- Make us more energetic, industrious and successful and help us to put our ideas into action.
- Enhance our memory and is an excellent crystal for those who have lost hope.
Note-: 100% Natural (completely untreated).